Teaching Resources
Teaching Resources
Data Resources
Data Resources
Department of Statistics, University of Missouri
Department of Statistics, University of Missouri
Applied Statistical Models (online)
Categorical Data Analysis
Nonparametric Methods
Sampling Techniques
Statistical Methods in the Health Sciences (in-class/online)
Statistical Software and Data Analysis (in-class/online)
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis
Experimental Design
Statistical Methods in Natural Resources
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Introductory Statistical Methods (large lecture)
Department of Statistics, Ewha University, Seoul, South Korea
Department of Statistics, Ewha University, Seoul, South Korea
Applied Statistical Models
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Department of Psychology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea
Department of Psychology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea
Statistical Methodology in Psychology
Statistical Software and Data Analysis