Suhwon Lee

Teaching Professor

Director of Center for Applied Statistics and Data Analysis

Department of Statistics

Suhwon Lee is a teaching professor and Director of Center for Applied Statistics and Data Analysis in the Department of Statics at the University of Missouri. She joined the department in the spring of 2004. She also serves as an adjunct faculty member of the Master of Public Health (MPH) program since Fall 2009. 

Her research interests are interdisciplinary research involving the fusion of statistical methods with other fields to tackle complex issues by adapting statistical techniques to diverse datasets and collaborating with experts across disciplines to analyze data effectively. She provides quantitative insights that contribute to a deeper understanding of interdisciplinary research questions and drive innovative solutions. 

Additionally, she is passionate about statistical education. She has been teaching a variety of undergraduate and graduate level courses including Applied Statistical Models, Categorical Data Analysis, Nonparametrics, Statistical Software & Data Analysis, Sampling, and Statistical Methods in Health Sciences. 

Contact Information

307E Middlebush Hall

Columbia, MO 65211

Office phone: (573) 882-8283



Ph.D, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, U.S.A.

MS, Ewha University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

BS, Ewha University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Certificate, Online Teaching Foundations (OTF), University of Missouri, 2016

Certificate, RESPOND (Supporting students with mental health), University of Missouri, 2018

Certificate, Teaching and Learning in the Classroom, Cornell University, 2020 

Certificate, Mentoring at Mizzou, a CIMER Training, 2021

Certificate, The STEM Teaching Project, 2022


Instructor of the Year Award, Master of Public Health, School of Health Professions, University of Missouri, 2016 

Winemiller Excellence Award, American Statistical Association DataFest 2017, University of Missouri, Mar. 2017

Purple Chalk Teaching Award, College of Arts and Science, University of Missouri, 2019

Nomination for Maxine Christopher Shutz Award, University of Missouri, April 2021

Research Interest